+91 8281798065, 8281798066, 8281798067
+91 469 2741666, 2741663
christthiruvalla@gmail.com, christschoolmuthur@yahoo.co.in


Christ, the teacher par excellence, is our Supreme Guru and Guiding Light. The school is dedicated to Him. St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the founder of the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate ...Read More

Welcome To Christ Central School

Christ Central School, Thiruvalla - a co-educational institution - is owned and managed by the Catholic Fathers of the religious Congregation of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI). M.G.M. English Medium School founded in 1973 in the memory of His Grace Mar Gregorius by Rev. Thomas Mar Theophilos, is now rechristened as Christ Central School & Junior College. In 1986, the CMI Congregation acquired the school. Since then the CMIs have been managing it under the Kuriakose Elias Educational Trust. The immediate management of the school is with the Mar Baselios CMI Ashram, Muthoor, Thiruvalla.

Principal's Message
All of us, in one way or other, are obsessed with 'success' and try our best to attain it. Simultaneously, we keep on looking for some kind of short cut or a secret key that would lead us quickly to our ....Read More

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Registration for Admission to LKG, UKG, Std I- VIII & XI are now open. You may approach the school o ...Read More


Toy day was celebrated on 29th September 2023. Students of play class and UKG coloured a teddy bear with ...Read More

Yoga Day

In order to instill the importance of Yoga, International Yoga day was celebrated on June 21 in a special asse ...Read More

Reopening day

The school reopening program for the students of class 2- 10th and 12th was held with great enthusiasm and jo ...Read More

   Mandatory Public Disclosure

   Annual Report 2024-25

   Transfer Certificate